Mongolia Bike Challenge 2019 - here we come!

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It is little over a week until we fly out to Mongolia for another go at the Mongolia Bike Challenge (MBC). Leah and I did the race in 2017, and for me it went pretty well, winning my age group and coming 5th overall. You can read all about 2017 here.

We are back for 2019! 2019 is a new course, and new area of Mongolia.

I will try and write about each stage, although if it is anything like last time, I will write and publish once we are back in Ulaan Bataar at the end. Each day the organizers publish photos and the results, so this is the best way to see what has happened each day. Here is the official website.

From 2017. Hamish suffering as he chases the leaders up the final pitch of a climb.

From 2017. Hamish suffering as he chases the leaders up the final pitch of a climb.

What is the MBC?

This is a mountain bike race like no other; it is in Mongolia!!! Instead of 5 stages and a short TT, 2019 is 6 stages of pure point to point racing. 108 races from all over the world and all abilities. Some are there to race, some are there to enjoy themselves and survive. All are there to have a good time and it will be hard for everyone. At last count 25 different nationalities.

In 2019, it is 6 stages for 625km and about 7,300m climbing. Striking landscapes, vast grasslands, wandering yaks, cows, goats and sheep, and nomadic herders are the feature of the week. From 2017, we know you cannot capture the vastness of the landscape in a picture. We will sleep inside Gers, cabins, and we will camp for one night (Leah’s least favourite night!). It is hard, and hopefully we will finish each day smiling, as Mongolia has this effect on people. MBC is part race and part adventure.

Below is an outline of the stages. Thank you Nico Raybaud and Willy from the MBC for these.

MBC2017 - Leah and Hamish smiles before a stage

MBC2017 - Leah and Hamish smiles before a stage

Stage 1
72km and 1100m climbing
Sunday 11 August, 2019

MBC 2019 stage 1

Start immediately into rugged mountains and cross 4 small ridge parallel to each other and continue along the southern foothill of a larger ridge for 30km. This stretch runs along the north side of Tuul river. The landscape is arid steppe with short grass growing on rocky and sandy soil. Then the course turns north into the Khustai mountain range and climbs following small ravines and stream beds for 13km before descending to a group of sand dunes just before the finish lines.

Stage 2
100km and 1300m climbing
Monday 12 August, 2019

MBC2019 - stage 2

First half of distance is on mountainous terrain with the race course (distinct car tracks) running on rugged slopes. The profile is marked with frequent ups and downs until reaching the day’s highest point at 57km. From there on it is a long descent.

Mountain valleys and with small streams are dry beds eventually give way to a wide open grassland, the Tuul river valley. We cross a concrete bridge and pedal along the lush riverside to finish point.

Stage 3
120km and 1,850m climbing
Tuesday 13 August, 2019

MBC2019 Stage 3

Grasslands of Central Mongolia with 360 views of distant mountain ranges. A series of granite ranges with dramatic rock formations lie alongside the race course. Although arid the grassland is lush enough for hundreds and thousands of traditional livestock to subsist including horses, sheep, goats, camels and cattle of which you will see plenty. Their owners - curious nomadic herders who will come to wave you and their mushroom like houses will be a common sight today.

The race course is smooth with packed soils prevailing. However, after completing 3/4 of the distance massive sand dunes will come into your sight and you will finish upon reaching them. Last few km will be sandy though.

Stage 4
120km and 750m climbing
Wednesday 14 August, 2019

MBC2019 - Stage 4

We start the day with a 2 km trudge in real sand. Beyond that we race along the sand dunes for about 20km and enter gentle bare mountains and continue SW on smooth packed soils which can turn muddy in case of rain.

We follow a few wide grassy valleys full of grazing livestock before reaching the day’s highest point from which there open views of the Gobi’s northern fringes. Just over 10 more km descent to an open plain brings us to a finish by a small salt lake

Stage 5
120km and 1,350m climbing
Thursday 14 August, 2019

MBC2019 - STAGE 5

After 20km on flat ground we enter the eastern foothills of the Khangai, a massive mountain range that occupies the center of Mongolia with its highest point reaching 4008m above sea level. If you glance back from the day’s highest point at 2200m you will see distant shapes of the Gobi desert. The Khangai is picturesque.

Our race course runs across bare slopes with scenic rock outcroppings, dramatic dome shaped mountains with their northern side covered in virgin woods, high passes and lush grassy valleys. You will ride along meadows full of grazing yaks and eventually arrive to finish line in the Orkhon river valley strewn with volcanic basalt. Overall road surfaces are on packed and smooth ground with some rocky sections close to mountain passes, loose gravel when near riversides and basalt fields that cross the track when in Orkhon valley.⁣

Stage 6
64km and 1,000m climbing
Friday 15 August, 2019

MBC2019 - STAGE 6

The whole day can be called a ridge ride day. Soon after starting on the flat along the Orkhon river we ascend the ridge that runs along its southern side. The ridgeline crosses high grassy plateaus that provide a bird-eye views the Orkhon river. All the way till reaching the finish line we stay high on the ridge and finally enjoy the view of a vast open plain where the capital of the Mongol Empire once stood.

The riding surface today is on packed ground with some short rocky sections when riding by riversides in the beginning. This evening is our reward banquet. We will crown our Champions and award the Official Finishers with the Mongolia Bike Challenge.⁣

Leah and I at the finish of MBC2017. I was sick, and it was the longest 25km TT of my life!

Leah and I at the finish of MBC2017. I was sick, and it was the longest 25km TT of my life!

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