Stage Racing

MBC2019 - Stage 5

Sangiin Dalai Lake to Orkhorn River

125km and 1,600m climbing

Hamish: 5hrs 47mins
Leah: 7hrs 15mins
Strava link:

After yesterdays bad legs, I was a little concerned going into today, and as I should have been. My legs were OK, but not great would be the best way to describe them. Today was the second “queen” stage of 125km and 1600m of climbing. This does not should like that much this is Mongolia, and at the end of the day it was a tough day.

Last night we camped, and it was an eventful night! First up as we were going to sleep the threatening thunderstorm eventually hit us with strong winds and heavy rain just as we were going to bed. Our 8 person tent was fortunate as we had a relatively new tent, and it did not leak. I had mistakenly picked the side into the wind, but had the highest ground. We would have been the driest of a wet lot if it had rained a lot, and in the end the wind was worse. We ended up anchoring the side of the military style tent with our bags and tucking the side of the tent under the groundsheet, and it worked pretty well. We stayed dry and had an ok nights sleep, unlike some of the other tents who got wet.

The next morning we woke to a very cold wind and wet roads. You would not have known a bike race was taking place with 5 mins to go, as everyone was hiding in the tents trying the escape the wind. It was a brutal start to the day.

From the gun the Mongolians went again and I settled into the “chase” group, not that we were doing any chasing as they were gone. The stage started with a long steady climb for 30km, and I managed to stay in the group until here, when I was dropped. Fortunately for me, I was with another group over the top, as we had a 30km false flat into a block headwind to get across. If you cannot tell, the wind in Mongolia is brutal and only really eases up once you are in the hills, and today it did not let up until we had battled over the second King of the Mountain point. Here the wind was funnelled down the valley and directly into us. It was tough!!! I tucked in behind Nico, who normally is a much faster climber than me, but with the wind we were equal.

The final section of the day was much more enjoyable, as we got into the high mountain treed areas. We topped out at 2200m today, and the higher we got the better the scenery. Scattered trees and distant mountains were the feature, and looking down over the rolling hills and distant flat grasslands. Definitely the best scenery so far!

The last 30km were flat to downhill, and I worked with 3 others to form a continuous rolling pace line all the way into the camp.

The other highlight of the day were the last 5-7km, as we wound our way through a 20,000 yr old lava field. On a cyclocross bike this would have been a blast, as we followed to tire tracks at 30km/hr twisting and turning their way through the field. Good fun.

The camp tonight is a very plush Ger camp. It is perched beside a popular canyon and waterfall, not that we saw the waterfall as it as a 1km walk away! Our Ger is huge just for the two of us, and also right beside where the bags were dropped. No lugging bags for miles tonight!

Tomorrow is the last stage. 84km and 1,700m climbing so will be a tough day out again.

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MBC2019 - Stage 2

Moltosg Els to Tuul Ovoot

MBC 2019 - stage 2
101km, 1100m climb
3hrs 33mins - 4th equal overall, and 1st in masters 2
Leah: About 5hrs and 2nd women today!
No Strava file for me as my Garmin corrupted the file. Here is Leah’s:

Another fast start, although the fast start was more for positioning today, as the track we followed out of camp was a double track but with lots of deep potholes filled with water. If you were not in the top 4-5 wheels chances are you would be getting wet and with 101km in front of us, I did not want to get that wet, so it was a classic case of the strongest riders fighting for position.

In the meantime, two Mongolians attacked and disappeared up the road, and the pink jersey wearer, race leader was back with us. I think he expected us (Richard who is leading the Masters 1 category, and myself to cover and case down his 2 teammates then he would ride away from us. In the end his plan did not quite work, as his two teammates slowly pulled away from us, and the pink jersey wearer saw his pink jersey slipping off his shoulders. He attacked hard on the flat and I was on his wheel, and all he achieved was to pull three of us  and him out of the peloton for a lonely day up the road. In the end he attacked the three of us a couple more times, and each time we covered him, until we had a small hill. He rode up beside us, and told us he was going, and he was gone! The only bugger for him was by this time his two teammates were gone, and I have just found out he finished 2 minutes back on them, but still 10 mins in front of us. He would have had a long lonely day out.

The rest of the day I rode with Richard and an American until we dropped him on a steeper climb, then it was just the two of us. I was super happy to be with someone as we rode into the block headwind again. After a lightening fast descent from the 2nd feed station at 58km, we eventually ended up on the flat with 30km of lose sand, corrugated roads and headwind to the camp. Richard and I worked together until he had a mechanical and stopped, and fixed this. I waited for him at the 3rd feed station, as the idea of 23km into the headwind did not sound like fun.

In the end we came in joint 4th overall, and this time I did win the Masters 2 category, unlike yesterday, when I thought I had but the gravel bike rider took it instead. 

Overall, I am happy. It was a tough day out, and suited the stronger riders, so I made the most of it. 

Leah had a good day out and came in 2nd women, so more podium time for her tonight.

Tomorrow is the queen stage. 135km and 1800m climb. First up is a 500m climb over 30km with a nasty little steep piece part way up. I suspect it will be another fast start to force the groups and then everyone will settle into group pace. The back half of the ride goes up and down over multiple 100m climbs. I have a feeling these will be tough, as the short ones are often the worse. Then from 110km it is downhill into the camp.

That is tomorrow. Now it is time for me to have some quality recovery and reading time.

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Mongolia Bike Challenge 2019 - here we come!

Mongolia Bike Challenge 2019 - here we come!

Mongolia here we come again. We are back for another Mongolia Bike Challenge (MBC). What have we got ourselves into this time.

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