Mongolia Bike Challenge Gear List

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As we think about Mongolia, here is what I will be taking. (If I was organized I would have taken a photo of all this kit before it got packed, but I was not)

By the numbers, 6 days of racing needs a lot of stuff (Leah and I have also taken the Mechanical Service that is offered by the race, so we do not need to carry as many spare parts, such as a spare chain or latex for the tires). Below is what we will be each taking, (Leah is taking similar stuff). After the race, I will make a note of there stuff I did not use, and would leave behind if we were to come back.

  • Bike: Canyon Lux 2019 8.0 Race

    • Tires: Front - Schwalbe Racing Ron. Back - Schwalbe Racing Ralph. Both tubeless

  • 100L Evoc duffel bag. Waterproof, and has straps. Max size you can have.

  • Garmin 830 - you must have a GPS. the course is marked with poles, but the locals like the poles and often take them. The GPS is essential.

  • Helmet

Bike parts

  • 3 spare tubes. I will run tubeless, and will carry one tube on the bike.

  • 4 x 25g CO2 canisters in case i get a flat. (I will race with 2 on the bike. Post race, give these to the local racers as you cannot fly with them)

  • Tiny puncture repair kit in case I have a very bad day of flats.

  • MTB pump - I will race with this as a last resort (I had a bad experience of flats 2 years ago, so am cautious)

  • Small multitool - I will race with this

  • Ass-saver - a small luxury if the weather is crap

  • Spare derailer hanger. Very important

  • 1 x spare tire each (Hamish 29” and Leah 27.5”)

  • Spare cleats

  • 2 x sets of spare brake pads. They are light to carry

  • Hex and Allen keys for basic maintenance. (Post race comment: I will leave these in the bike bag in future, as did not need them)

  • Electrical tape to tape gels and bars to my bottles that get dropped at the feed stations

  • Sharpie pen for labelling everything

  • 6 water bottles. 2 on the bike, and 4 bottles are transported to the aid stations each day

  • Camelback. Leah races with it, and I will use if it rains a lot. Is the wet, bike bottles on the bike get really horrible. Thing wet horse, sheep, and goat shit!

  • 1 x travel track pump. It is a luxury but means we have our own pump in camp. (Post race comment: I will leave these in the bike bag in future, as did not need them)

Food - we will fly with

  • 15 Cliff bars

  • 5 other random bars to mix it up (Snickers and some flapjack bars from Germany)

  • 33 energy gels, including quite a few with caffeine.

  • 25 Electrolyte tabs (SIS GO. No sugar)

  • 1 tub of SIS GO Electrolyte (with sugar)

  • 6 x recovery shake mixes

  • (Post race comment: Add extra protein powder for pre-bed drink)

Food we will buy in Ulaanbaatar

  • Muesli for breakfast (the one time you can control the food)

    • (Post race comment: People were very jealous of this during the race!)

  • Long like milk for breakfast, again you can control this

  • Cookies and snacks

  • 4 big bags of salted nuts for post ride snacking

  • Dried fruit for in camp

  • Instant soups in camp in case our stomachs go bad

Camping stuff, as we need to camp one night

  • Sleeping bag

  • Sleeping bag liner

  • Sleeping mat

  • The organisation provides everything else


Race clothes

  • Mountain bike shoes

  • 3 x cycling top and bottoms

  • 1 x gillet

  • 1 x waterproof jacket Castelli shake dry. Super light, breathable and waterproof

  • 3 x race socks (wool)

  • 2 x cycling gloves (1 full finger and 1 part finger)

  • Wool arm warmers

  • Knee warmers

  • Leg warmers

  • Booties (I get cold feet!)

  • Winter gloves

  • Wool liner gloves

  • Short sleeve Gabba (I hope I do not have to use the winter stuff, but better to have it than not!)

  • Wool mesh base layer

General clothes

  • 1 trousers (zip off, as they can double as shorts as well)

  • 1 pair shorts

  • 1 running shorts for massage

  • 1 x super light t-shirt for message (as it will smell of massage oil)

  • 2 x Armadillo Merino under wear as they do not smell!

  • 2 x Armadillo Merino wool t-shirt

  • 1 x Armadillo Merino long sleeve wool top Can also be used as a racing baselayer is the weather is really bad)

  • 1 x Armadillo Merino wool beanie (can be used in camp at night and also for racing if it is cold)

  • Baseball cap

  • Down jacket - essential!

  • Boxers to sleep in

  • 1 x compression socks wool

  • 1 x normal socks wool

  • 1 pair of camp shoes

  • (Post race comment: Add lightweight flip-flops or sandals)

  • Towel

I will leave the following in Ulaanbaatar, as post race everything is dirty:

  • 1 x jeans

  • 1 x nice shirt

  • 1 x clean underwear

  • Clean socks

  • Bike travel bags

Other kit:

  • Sunglases

  • Basic first aid kit and ear plugs

  • Toiletries, and plenty of soap, although the water is so cold, you may not want to use it..

  • (Post race comment: Add baby wipes and hand sanitiser))

  • Chomias butter

  • 2 rolls of toilet paper. If you stomach goes “bad” you will need it!

  • Sunblock

  • Ipad (for writing on)

  • Iphone and local sim (MobiCom worked well)

  • Kindle with plenty of books

  • 1 x USD plug charger with 2 USB charging ports

  • 2 x USB cables for charging Garmins

  • Point and shoot camera and charger. I race with the camera and take photos when I can.

  • Head torch

  • 10m of cord to use as a clothes line

  • Some wooden pegs, as it is windy, and clothes blow away (These may be one of the most useful items we travel with. Hotel room laundry is much easier with pegs to help dry your clothes)


  • Passport and Mongolia Visa

  • Compulsory medical questionnaire completed by a doctor

  • Mountain bike racing insurance. This is special insurance that covers mountain bike racing, as our travel insurance did not covert it.

The essential cord, and pegs to create a clothes line from MBC2017

The essential cord, and pegs to create a clothes line from MBC2017

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