Haute Route Alps - stage 2 (long update)

Haute Route Alps - Stage 2


With 10km to go, the day felt long, and i still had 10km to go, and it was all up hill. At 5km to go, I was wondering if I could walk faster, but thought better of it pretty quickly, as it was steep, but I was still moving. A tough day out, as some of you have seen in the photos. On the positive side, everyone thought it was a tough day, so at least I was not alone.  The killer was the climb to Courchevel, a little more on that later.

133km, 3900m climbing. Now that is a lot, only we have MORE tomorrow.

The profile for the day. 

The first climb seemed to go well, and the Col du Comet de Roselend was long. Maybe I rode the first climb and the bottom half of the Col de Roselend a little harder than planned, and then so did everyone else. The kicker on the Col De Roselend comes at the top. There is a small flat section beside a picturesque lake, and then it climbs again. It felt like the lake stole my power, as Pete rode away from me here, and I did not see him again until I was about ¾ down the otherside. It was a good fast downhill. ON the positive side the climb was picturesque. Through small villages, up through the trees, past coes with bells, and then into the high alpine land. We did this climb last year, and it came back to me, including one 10%+ stretch through a small village. I would have taken photos, but today that just was not happening!

Photo from Manu Photos, offical Haute Route photographer, and the picturesque lake. I cannot remember seeing the church...

Down onto the valley and before we knew it we were on the Courchevel climb. 1370m of climbing over 25km. It does not sound so bad, but it sure felt bad. Pete dropped me after about a ¼ of the way up and then stayed away. i pushed my own pace, and in the last 5 km i was in my own world. I did not care if anyone passed me, all i cared about was finishing. Luckily everyone was in the hurt zone today so no one passed me in the last 5km, and I actually had a pretty good ride for me. It still hurt a lot! The record for the climb was set by Alberto Contador, who climbed it in 42:30. I am not sure where the official start is, but either way that is amazing. Maybe the hardest part of the climb, is that you think you are at the top, or near the top, as you can see a village and condos, only to round a corner and it is one of the preliminary Courchevel villages. Courchevel 1500, 1650.... Anyway another day done. Pete got me by about 2 minutes in the end, so not so bad.

Leah is still talking to me, and was even smiling when she crossed the line. Yesterday the line was "I so owe her a holiday", whereas today it was I was going well for about 5 ½ hours then my toes cramped (old problem), and people started to pass me. She had a pretty good day, and is happier than me tonight.

Pete's legs were not so ugly today, and I think he is riding myself into some form, well that is what he is saying.

Pete  4:33:54 On the stage 52nd  Overall 50th
Hamish 4:35:37 On the stage 55th Overall 54th
Leah 5:59:59 and all smiles!

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