Haute Route Alps - stage 2 short update

Haute Route Alps - stage 2 short update


This is short, as I have had technical issues and i want to go to sleep. More tomorrow, I promise.

Stage 2 133km, 3900m climbing
Megeve to Courchevel, via the Col du Roselend, then up to Courchevel. It was hard and long, and steep.

Pete got away from me on the last climb, and took just under 2 minutes out of me. Given we are both in survival mode it does not make much difference.

Leah had a good day and was all smiles at the finish, although she did get some toe cramps (old problems), and her feet were unhappy for the last hour.

Pete: 4:33:54. Overall now 50th
Hamish 4:35:37 Overall now 55th, i think.
Leah: 5:59:59. All smiles, and well inside the cutoff time.

Tomorrow is really hard with 4900m climbing. I have never done that much in one day, so we will see. It is also forecast for rain and cool, so it will be a long hard day.

More on that tomorrow.

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