Haute Route Alps - Stage 1 complete

130km - 3100m climbing. An easier day...

Well the first real stage is complete, and Leah and I have our feet up and Leah is reading, and still talking to me so that is a bonus. I think I am part way in the dog box, and expect to be fully in the dog box after stage 3, then I may crawl out a little, well that is the plan. Her quote of the day is from someone else as they say "and he has taken off on you", or "you are doing this on your own", as I am up the road, and have left Leah to fend for herself. (To tell the truth, I know she can fend for herself very well, and is an expert at drafting, and if she cannot find a good draft, is a good teacher as she is all about efficiency on the bike!)

Today we went from Geneva to Megeve, via couple of good long climbs. It was like a welcome back to the Alps, as we passed smallpicturesque villages, long climbs to just above the tree line, and of course cows with bells ringing as they wandered around the high alpine pastures. Overlay that with spectacular mountain views, and some sunshine, but not to hot, and it was a good day to be riding our bikes.     

Leaving Geneva, the weather was kind to us, and we were treated to a pretty, but cool, sunrise beside the lake before heading out in a neutralized convey to France. As Pete and I are in the top 75, we started in the gated off area. The convey is broken up into groups, and motobikes very clearly split the groups keeping the riders outside of the top 75 out. It made for safer riding for Pete and I while Leah was further back.
Leah pre-start, all smiles.

The peleton heading out, before the fun.

The hurt started on the Col da la Colomiere, a 1,110m climb over 15km. I was with the front group for the first 200m, then thought better of it. Pete stayed with them for longer, and also thought better of it, sitting up and riding his own tempo. A long climb, with a kick at the top would be the best description. Next was the Col da la Croix Fry, followed by a short down hill before the final climb of the day. By now I was climbing with Pete, and he set a steady tempo, meaning i could stay on his wheel. He was not having a good day, and that meant i was able to stay with him.

Top of the last climb, in a neutralized section. We took a 30min break, and caught up with one of Pete's mates, Adam, who now lives nearby. It is a small world.

From here it was a long sweeping downhill to the start of the timing again, and a 10km drag race up to Megeve. The profile showed it was flat, but instead it kicked up to start with before a false flat all the way to Megeve, and the finish line.

Final results for the day
Hamish 3:42:01. 53rd overall. Pete leads me by 4 seconds when the Prologue and stage 1 are added.
Pete 3:42:10. 55th overall
Leah  4:43:55 317 overall, and 5th in her age group.

On the final sweeping downhill

View from the hotel room.

Tomorrow, more climbing and famous cols as we make our way to Courchevel.

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