Viking Tour of Norway – Day 2

142km – 2,222m vert

20 neutralized into town

The plan today was to stay with the front riders up over the first climb, then hang out with them on the 100km downhill and flat, then ride the last climb at my own pace, and surprisingly for me it worked out.

Leah’s plan was to survive and she broke her chain. F**king chain is her update. Broke it at the 2nd feed station. Up until then she was enjoying her day, riding with a group of Scottish riders. When I eventually saw her on the last climb, I had thoughts of riding up next to her, but by the time I had turned around, so had long gone. She was flying, and more on the last climb later…

Today’s ride started with a 20km climb (700m vert) out of town. After 500m of controlled riding, we were off, and my plan of hanging on was a painful one. I pretty much maxed it out for the first 10km, then the sat up, and caught back on again, before once again just getting dropped by about 2 seconds by the time we got to the top. Looking around, there was only 15 riders left so was pretty happy with my effort. The climb itself was much friendlier than the one last night. After a 3 km punch, that took a real effort to hang on, it was more gradual, and the dirt was smooth and fast. Once again we cleared the tree line, and were able to enjoy spectacular mountain views in all directions, although I was too busy suffering to pull out the camera. The downhill and flat section went in a blur, although after we had caught the breakaway the group sat up, and I was once again able to enjoy the scenery, and got a few pics.

The scenery and mountains are everything and more than I imagined. The climbs are bigger and steeper than I had expected, with the final climb of today been a 1000m climb in less than 10km. A true mountain climb from the valley floor, up to the valley headwall, before a series of never ending switchbacks brought you up out of the trees to what I thought was going to be the finish, until I saw the 3km to go sign.  Big waterfalls, U shaped valleys, and harsh above the tree line landscape is what welcomes you to Norway, and we got it today. We also had perfect sunshine, and it was a hot which I had not expected.

In the end today, the fast boys dropped me on the last climb as per plan, and I tempo rode the climb. 142km, 2120m climbing and it took 4hrs 26min. A solid day’s riding. We also had a bonus 20km to the town of Andalsnes where we are staying tonight.

Andalsnes is on a lake. I am not sure what lake, but looking out my window, it is very pretty. Scattered around the lake are a few houses, then it goes straight up a steep sided tree lined valley up onto the mountain tops. I can only imagine how spectacular this would look in winter.

Tomorrow is 108km, with no meaningful climbs until 60km where we have a 500m climb. A few rollers, so I expect a fast start. Once again my plan will be to hang on for as long as I can. Maybe I will make it over the climb to the last climb.