Stage 6:  Pra Lout to Saint-Etienne-de-Tinee

136km - 3,330m Strava Link

As if yesterday was not enough, today the downhills were neutralized, so we in effect had 3 uphill time trails, and it was a long day in the pain zone. After securing a prime starting position on the front line of the starting grid for my group, we had a terrible merge with the main pelaton and once again i spent the first hill chasing the fast boys passing people, but with no one to pace m.e That changed about half way up, and it was all on, racing and going hard up hill. Having ridden with a lot of the same guys in the group, i could tell they were well into the red zone, and we all paid for the first effort up the Col De Cayolle, an 1,100m climb. Crossing the timing chip at the top, and off the clock, I was pretty spent and happy to see Roberto, Ramon and Nacho, my fellow Mexican teammates waiting for me. After a lazy bottle fill, a couple of slices of cake, we were off the down the neutralized descent of the Col De Cayolle. It was a good call by the organizers to neutralize this one, as it was narrow with big drops off the side. It also meant that I could stop and take pictures, always an added bonus and a couple are attached. 

After our lazy descent, it was all on again for another timed section and this time i tried, successful, to say on Roberto's wheel. It hurt a lot, and i went harder fopr longer than expected and i was pretty worked by the time we got to the top. We also had added bait, as a couple of guys, one cheeky Aussie called Scottie and another Swiss guy, who managed to get away at the bottom. I now know how the pros must feel as they hunt down their prey out front and up the pace again and again catch them. In the end they survived the chaser and just got across the top of the hill and into the neutralized section. A close call and good fun.

The final climb was a brunt as once again i tried to play with Roberto and Nacho, but this time they got away in the last km. Crossing the finish line I was shattered and did the collapse into the shade maneuver. 

Overall a good hard day, and i came in 60th, and managed to jump up 5 places to 76th, just outside the top 75 and the "special" start as they call it. Roberto and Nacho had very good days and gained places while Ramon broke his chain at the bottom of the last climb, and lost a lot of time. A tough one for him.

Below are a few pics from the day, including a couple from the massage table. Each day we get a free massage, and it has really helped.

Tomorrow is the final day into Nice, and the course has been changed, a lot, as they are expecting a big storm to roll in just as we would be arriving at the end of the climb. the result is that the first 60km will be neutralized, then we have a 40km, 800m climb. This will be a power climb and fast, to the top of the Col De Vence, then it is all over. We wait for the last person, and roll into Nice together for a planned 1pm arrival. They have cut a 1,200m climb, which is a bugger, as i am climbing above my overall placing, but not to worry.

Also tomorrow Leah gets to meet the Mexicans, which will be a laugh, and we have booked a restaurant for dinner. It should be fun.