AMSTERDAM CYCLOCROSS - WEEKS 9 to the End of the Season

Mud, thick, sticky, glorious mud.

14 December, 2014 – DTS Sportpark Kalverhoek, Wijdewormer

The Nikki Turpster race, where he did not show. Not to worry, as he was in Majorica on pro-Tour duty. A course known for it’s mud, and it lived up to expectations. A fast start, over an overpass, and then onto the grass and mud. I had a good race, taking the holeshot into the first corner, gapping the field and riding away. Maybe it was the mud, but for whatever reason, it all went to plan today. I guess the heavy conditions favor me, with plenty of power needed and not too many sharp turns. I think in the end I won by about 1 ½ minutes. I was also lucky, as a lot of derailers paid the price and snapped in the conditions. One spot in particular was a real challenge as the mud was heavy, sticky and just rideable. (It was faster to run, and your bike did not get as much mud, but I did not know that until I watched the under 40 winner run every lap here). Top step on the podium, and maybe my first win was not such a fluke after all.

Hangover and Cross do NOT mix!

21 December, 2014 – HSV De Kampioen, Spaarnwoude

I learnt a valuable lesson today. Last night we had a Christmas party at our place. Great fun, a few beers with mates and into bed about 1:30am. I wad feeling tired and pretty exhausted going to bed and the early felt early.

Todays race is ways out of Amsterdam, on a beautiful course with some great single track, a couple of long straights and a course that should have suited me. NOT TODAY. I collected a tree on the first lap, got passed by people on the straights when usually I am the hammer and generally had an off day. 11th on the day. Well at least I did not try to throw up after I had crossed the finish line like Mark (we know who you are). A tough day in the office for the ATAC team.

Sloten park, and the season is coming to an end

28 December, 2014 – ASC Olmpia, Sloten Park

A second and it hurt today. Ron served it to me today, and I could not catch up. I put in a good try and he got away. I was on his wheel for a while, then we got me and rode away. The course had one tree, that ate bikes, well I am sure a lot of people felt that way. An off camber climb between some trees, then a short steep little push onto the asphalt overpass. It does not take much, and this was just enough to make for some great photos, of the tree eating people, well it looked like that.

Oliebollencross, on New Years Eve!

31 December, 2014 – WVA, Sloten Park

What is Oliebollen, and what does it have to do with cross. Great questions and something else I learnt this year. Oliebollen are a Dutch New Years delicacy. Delicacy is all how you define it, and Oliebollen are an acquired taste. Take donut dough, make a small ball, then deep fry them. There are good recipes and the Dutch are very proud of them, and they are consumed in vast quantities at New Years, and today instead of the usual flowers Oliebollen were given to the podium. 

Having pre-ridden the course in one direction and got a good feel for the course, as we were all lined up, the starter pulled a quick one on us, and made us turnaround, and go in the opposite direction. The other challenge of the day, was I was racing the young bucks. Old and young, all in one race. After getting over the shock of the different direction on the course, I enjoyed the ride. The course rode very differently, and personally I prefer this way. The young bucks got away on the first lap, and that was that. They were gone, and I rolled in third to collect my OlleyBallen on the podium. Two 18-19 yr olds and me! They were both less than ½ my age. Good fun.


The Last Race of the Amsterdam Series and a satisfying win

4 January, 2015 – WVA - Sloten

The Amsterdam series is coming to an end, and we returned to Sloten Park for the second week in a row, but this time to WVA, pretty much the same location but a little different.  After the fun of Olleyballen cross mid-week, this was back to the usual format, with the usual characters. Half of the course is different to last week. After a good start, I was sitting in near the front, , along beside the channel, through a sweepoing corner, then up a short nasty climb. A punchy climb would be how best to describe it. Taking the inside line into the corner, i somehow popped past the riders in front of me, and had clear air out of the corner and away. Oh, on the front on the first lap is not necessarily on the plan today, but here I am. 100% all gas to drive a gap, that was the plan, and it worked. 10 seconds after the first lap, and then I held it at that for the race. The guys behind attacked to try and bridge across, I would go harder, then sit up again. Hammer the straights, and the short climb to make up for my slow corners, and in the end I rode away with it. Top step again.

After the race, little did I know, I was holding up the official prize giving for the season. All of the points from the 12 races were totaled, and today as the final race, the awards were given out. Ron took out first prize for the season, Jerone was second, Patrick was third and I was fourth. For this I got €20 cash, which helped to pay for lunch. Good fun.

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