Crocodile Trophy brief update - Stage 4

Another stage down and no internet today, so am writing this and will send when I get a chance, and the longer version will go out once I am in good internet.

118km and it was faster today. 4.5 hrs and 3rd in my age group as I got passed by someone who is strong on the flat. They are also 50mins back overall, so safe in 2nd for m2.

Today's stage was fast from the gun as there was a lot of attacking by one rider in particular who is a very strong road rider, but hopeless on the trails. All it managed to do was get the HR up, and break up the field a little. I expect the same tomorrow. The first 15km was on roads, then we hit the trails again, and it was a real mixture of very rough, rough, then it got better to e finished off with a good 15-20km on corrugations to make sure you were well exhausted.

We are now at Mt Mulligan station, and beside their small lake. It is a true working outback station, and we are now really in the outback. Gum trees, dust, wide spaces, rolling - rolling small hills, and a few cows. It fits all the requirements of what i expect the outback to be, and we are in the middle of it now. Feeling a little isolated, all the more so, as we do not have nay internet today.

Tomorrow is what is on everyones minds at the moment. 168km, 3,000m climbing to Granite Dam. It is just so long that is the challenge. Expecting between 7 and 8 hours on the bike, as the roads are meant to be good. The first 30km will be fast and rolling, then we climb for a while, which will sort things out, and the final 45km are hilly. Nothing big, but it just rolllllllssss. A big day on the bike, and more than a little intimidating you could say.

Well hopefully by the time you get this, i will have done the monster, and will have had my post ride recovery shake and food, my massage, and i am enjoying a cold drink.



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